Welcome Home Carina!

In the summer of 2018, one of my wonderful, rescue minded friends saw a domestic rabbit running around her neighbourhood. With the help of a few other neighbours, they were able to catch the rabbit and after doing some inquiring, found out which house on their street the bunny had come from. It turned out that the ‘owners’ had purchased the rabbit for their child who had grown bored of the animal and then left it in an unsecured crate in their backyard.

After several more escapes, my friend spoke with her neighbours and offered to take the bunny and find her a good home. Thankfully they agreed. My friend gathered some supplies and became her foster Mama. Of course through all of this she was keeping me updated and we were both working on finding her a permanent home. It was around this time that

our sweet boy Ollie passed away from old age. Since our three remaining rabbits were also seniors, I had decided to attempt bonding them as a trio. We set up an x-pen in the play area so that Willow could safely interact with Honey and Sebastian as well as for general company. Doing this meant that I had an unused pen just sitting there, waiting for the right tenant!

I’m sure you can guess what happened next! In September, that sweet 6 month old girl – who has since been named Carina – found her forever home with us! She was of course quite nervous at first of her new surroundings. The pet room is hardly a quiet place! But within a few days she was running to the door when I came down with food and letting me pet her. And it didn’t take long for her inner snuggle bug to show itself! She LOVES a good cuddle! When you massage her little cheeks she completely melts in to you. She also loves full body rubs and stretches all the way out so you can pet her entire body.

Over the past few months Carina has truly settled in with us. I often find her stretched out on her second level, contentedly snoozing away. She is also very curious, outgoing and does insane leaps and binkies when it’s meal time. She loves to jump up on the couch and snuggle in with us, chase the cats and binky when she thinks no one is watching. My favourite thing though, has been watching her learn to play. She didn’t seem very interested in the toys I originally gave her but now loves to chew and toss everything in her path! She has been a wonderful addition to the Bb family and an absolute joy to have in our lives!

I can’t wait to share more of her adventures with you!

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Ollie Sees A Specialist

Hey Guys, Ollie here.
I recently went to a specialist and had a thorough health check.
Mom didn’t want to worry you all until the vet had had a good look at me and determined exactly what is going on. When she gave me a bum bath not too long ago she noticed that one of my testicles was quite swollen and the other had completely collapsed.

For those of you that don’t know, Mom and Dad never had me neutered because I have a very pronounced heart murmur. We’ve been to 3 vets now about it and they’ve rated me at 5.5/6 for it’s strength. This is why it would be very risky to put me out for any procedures – including a neuter. I also have digestive issues, a compromised immune system and respiratory issues. Now that being said, I’m 9 years old and have a great life with Mom and Dad. They take very good care of me! 

Anyways apparently testicular tumours are quite common in un-neutered rabbits of my age, are unlikely to be cancerous or spread and a lot of the time appear and don’t cause any issues. Other than the fact that Mom was down there washing out my boy bits – oh the humility – she wouldn’t have even known something was up! So at this point Mom and Dad were advised to keep a close eye on my bits and note anything that changes.

Now I’ve never been the best at cleaning myself, especially down there, but for a long time Willow was helping me out with that. I guess she’s decided she’s finished her wifely duties and now Mom has to take over. The vet has shaved everything so my fur can’t get matted or hold in additional moisture and Mom has to clean me a lot to keep me nice and fresh and dry. I’m a little embarrassed telling you all this but it looks like it’s going to be happening regularly so I might as well get used to sharing.

The vet did notice one thing that concerned her behind my stomach. Mom couldn’t feel it but the vet told her it apparently felt like some soft bumps. It could be enlarged lymph nodes – nothing seems to be in exactly the right spot or the right size when it comes to my anatomy – or it could be a tumour. They’ve sent off a full blood panel to have a better idea of how my organs are functioning and to check my white blood cell count just to be sure. Mom is hoping that comes back clear so she can breathe a sigh of relief!
Now the other thing you may have noticed is that sometimes I have a runny eye and I usually have a bit of a runny nose too. The runny eye is due to a blocked tear duct. This isn’t a new diagnosis but Mom just wanted them to have a good look to be sure. It’s pretty common in bunnies and since mine seems over active rather than getting clogged up she is just to keep it clean and wipe regularly. This is something Willow regularly helps out with too. Us rabbits have something called pasteurella – a type of bacteria – that is present in our systems. When the levels fluctuate it can cause flare ups – sneezing and coughing and snotty grossness. A lot of people refer to it as Snuffles. Anyways mine is a little wonky because of my poor immune system but it’s always been that way and never gets bad enough that it requires antibiotics to kill off the extra bacteria. It’s just something I’ve been living with my entire life.

The vet also recommended adding in some flax seed and glucosamine to help with the arthritis I’ve 

been developing but overall said she was very impressed with how sweet and well behaved I was!
I know this was kind of long and graphic to read but I hope it helps clear up any questions you have about me and why I’m such a special little dude. 
xo Ollie 
Posted in Bunny Buzz | 3 Comments

Rabbits & Easter Don’t Mix!


With Easter just around the corner, I wanted to remind everyone about the time, care and dedication that pet rabbit’s require.

Every year thousands of rabbits, baby chicks, ducks and guinea pigs are purchased as adorable Easter pets only to be ditched weeks later at shelters or abandoned outdoors when the child they were purchased for tires of them. 

Rabbits are an 10+ year commitment.  They require at least 3-6 hours of free range exercise time daily.  Store bought cages are not large enough to house your rabbit and provide all of the necessities he/she needs to be happy and healthy.  Rabbits love to chew and dig so if you don’t properly rabbit proof your house cords, carpet, clothing, bedding and furniture can all become victims to what is a natural instinct.  When they reach their teenager years (usually starting around 4-6 months of age) they will develop some nasty habits like lunging, growling, humping and marking their territory if you don’t have them spayed or neutered.  Rabbits are social animals who require constant interaction with you or preferably another fixed rabbit.  Rabbits need a constant supply of hay as well as pellets and fresh veggies fed daily and should see a vet at least once a year for a check-up.

You can learn more by watching this video on the topic.

If you are seriously considering adding a rabbit to your family, please do your research and consider visiting your local rescue about a month after Easter has passed. This will be when those cute and cuddly Easter rabbits start showing up on their doorstep.

I would like to also remind everyone that rabbits are the third most abandoned animal at shelters after cats and dogs.

So this year, resist the temptation and opt for a chocolate or stuffed Easter bunny instead!

For more sweet rabbit photos check us out on Facebook!

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It’s Simple Really


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The Bunny Castle

What do you build for the rabbits who have everything? Why, a castle of course! Mr. BudgetBunny put his DIY skills to the test again and this time built the rabbits a castle to run through, hide in, hop on and snooze! Watch our four rabbits check out their new toy for the first time!

Posted in Bunny Buzz | 1 Comment

Meet Jello! – Toronto Humane Society

jellofeatureMeet 8 year old Jello!

Sweet Jello is an older gentleman looking for a quiet relaxing home for his retirement. Being an older bun, he is quite mellow in his temperament and loves the one-on-one attention with his human caregivers. He may benefit from having a bonding partner in his new home, but that partner should be close to his age.

For a list of the current small animals available click here.

For the latest news on promotional events and adoptables follow THS on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!

The Toronto Humane Society
11 River Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M5A 4C2
Phone: 416.392.2273
Fax: 416.392.9978

Shelter Hours:
Monday to Friday 11am – 6pm (animal viewing until 7pm)
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 5pm (animal viewing until 6pm)

You can contact the Special Species Staff for more info on lovely Jello at: specialspecies@torontohumanesociety.com

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The Bunny Castle

A few months ago, we told Mom and Dad that we were fed up with our play area! It was always the same boring stuff day after day – tunnels, toys, hidey houses….doesn’t that sound dull to you?! Dad told us we were spoiled but we disagreed! How can we be spoiled if we’re bored?


So Mom came up with an idea. She’s always coming up with great ideas but she needs Dad to make them a reality. This means that sometimes we have to wait a while because Dad is a very very busy guy.


Dad got to planning and a few days later he built us this sweet castle!


Each end has an entrance and exit so we can hide if we’re feeling nervous.


And the ‘roof’ is lots of fun to hop up on and have a nap.


Both ends are connected by a bridge so we can run from one end to the other.


Of course it’s also the perfect spot to stretch out on and have a snuggle!


Mom hung some wooden garland off the front. It’s great to chew and chin! Mom also made us some cozy liners – like the ones she sells in her shop – for the top of it so it’s extra comfy to chill out on.


But that’s not all! Dad also made us a floor time hay box and another little hidey house to run in and out of.


I guess you could say Dad came through for us after all. He said he’s done building stuff for us for a while.


Mom said ‘We’ll see.’

Posted in Bunny Buzz | 4 Comments

Rabbits Are NOT Toys!


With Easter just around the corner, I wanted to remind everyone about the time, care and dedication that pet rabbit’s require.

Every year thousands of rabbits, baby chicks, ducks and guinea pigs are purchased as adorable Easter pets only to be ditched weeks later at shelters or abandoned outdoors when the child they were purchased for tires of them. 

Rabbits are an 10+ year commitment.  They require at least 3-6 hours of free range exercise time daily.  Store bought cages are not large enough to house your rabbit and provide all of the necessities he/she needs to be happy and healthy.  Rabbits love to chew and dig so if you don’t properly rabbit proof your house cords, carpet, clothing, bedding and furniture can all become victims to what is a natural instinct.  When they reach their teenager years (usually starting around 4-6 months of age) they will develop some nasty habits like lunging, growling, humping and marking their territory if you don’t have them spayed or neutered.  Rabbits are social animals who require constant interaction with you or preferably another fixed rabbit.  Rabbits need a constant supply of hay as well as pellets and fresh veggies fed daily and should see a vet at least once a year for a check-up.

If you are seriously considering adding a rabbit to your family, please do your research and consider visiting your local rescue about a month after Easter has passed. This will be when those cute and cuddly Easter rabbits start showing up on their doorstep.

I would like to also remind everyone that rabbits are the third most abandoned animal at shelters after cats and dogs.

So this year, resist the temptation and opt for a chocolate or stuffed Easter bunny instead!

For more sweet rabbit photos check us out on Facebook!

Posted in Bunny Buzz | 6 Comments

Rabbits & Easter Don’t Mix!


With Easter just around the corner, I wanted to remind everyone about the time, care and dedication that pet rabbit’s require.

Every year thousands of rabbits, baby chicks, ducks and guinea pigs are purchased as adorable Easter pets only to be ditched weeks later at shelters or abandoned outdoors when the child they were purchased for tires of them. 

Rabbits are an 10+ year commitment.  They require at least 3-6 hours of free range exercise time daily.  Store bought cages are not large enough to house your rabbit and provide all of the necessities he/she needs to be happy and healthy.  Rabbits love to chew and dig so if you don’t properly rabbit proof your house cords, carpet, clothing, bedding and furniture can all become victims to what is a natural instinct.  When they reach their teenager years (usually starting around 4-6 months of age) they will develop some nasty habits like lunging, growling, humping and marking their territory if you don’t have them spayed or neutered.  Rabbits are social animals who require constant interaction with you or preferably another fixed rabbit.  Rabbits need a constant supply of hay as well as pellets and fresh veggies fed daily and should see a vet at least once a year for a check-up.

If you are seriously considering adding a rabbit to your family, please do your research and consider visiting your local rescue about a month after Easter has passed. This will be when those cute and cuddly Easter rabbits start showing up on their doorstep.

I would like to also remind everyone that rabbits are the third most abandoned animal at shelters after cats and dogs.

So this year, resist the temptation and opt for a chocolate or stuffed Easter bunny instead!

For more sweet rabbit photos check us out on Facebook!

Posted in Bunny Buzz | 2 Comments

REVIEW: Happy Bunny Club Box

4 Happy Bunny Club is a monthly subscription box service that is delivered right to your door! They offer their customers multiple subscription options including the opportunity to purchase monthly, 3 month and 6 month plans with discounts for signing up for multiple months. HBC ships worldwide with the exception of Australia and Singapore. Shipping is automatically added at checkout.


Happy Bunny Club guarantees there are at least 6 or 7 toys/treats in each box with a new selection every month. It is HBC’s mission to only provide their customers with products that have been well researched and are free of dairy, eggs, seeds and corn. They state that nearly half of the products sold in most pet shops are actually harmful to rabbits. They aim to provide great service, fantastic products and to improve the lives of domestic rabbits through education, communication and support as rabbits are intelligent animals requiring space, exercise, companionship and stimulation to lead a happy life. They hope to accomplish this through social media and a blog that is still in development. While Happy Bunny Club was designed with rabbits in mind, the products within are also suitable for guinea pigs!


Each Happy Bunny Club box is safe to nibble and stuffed with fresh hay, with their company name and website printed on the front of each box. Inside each box is some tissue, the products themselves and an envelope affixed with a wax seal. It is obvious that each box has been packed with care. The tissue and sealed envelope are final touches demonstrating Happy Bunny Club’s pride in their product and dedication to their brand.

Within the sealed envelope is a letter detailing the latest HBC news, including which charity they are currently supporting, as well as a detailed ingredients list so you know exactly what your pet will be eating and playing with.


In this particular box I received a Rosewood Naturals Seagrass Play Tunnel (M), Rosewood Naturals Hazelnut Bark Bites, Rosewood Naturals Ginkgo Plus, The Hay Experts Carrot, The Hay Experts Marigold and Rosewood Boredom Breaker Nibble Sticks. Upon opening, it was clearly evident that each of these items were natural, healthy and composed of high quality ingredients. Many of this particular month’s products were forage mixes, while the others were made of non-toxic, fully edible materials free from chemical dyes, glues, staples and synthetic fibres.


Not only was I impressed with the products I received but so were the small furries!


I gave multiple items to our four rabbits and two guinea pigs to test out. To my delight, they enjoyed everything! Our rabbit Sebastian was stealing items out of the box before I had the chance to open the packages. He then proceeded to hop in the box and nibble the hay inside!

3Everyone went nuts for the dried carrot pieces, the guinea pigs loved running through the seagrass tunnel, nibbling along the way and the forage mixes were a tasty treat alongside their unlimited hay.


The rabbits also loved tossing the wooden toys and sampling the pet safe wood.



  • The Happy Bunny Club box can be ordered easily on their website and delivered right to your door.
  • Their packaging, packing and presentation shows the pride they have in their product.
  • They advocate proper rabbit welfare through their social media.
  • Every month’s box is guaranteed to have at least 6 or 7 toys/treats.
  • Each month they choose a different charity to support through raising awareness, donating products and financial support.
  • They assure their customers that the products they include are of the highest quality and that all toys/treats are free of dairy, eggs, seeds and corn. This can easily be verified by the ingredients list they include within the package.
  • HBC offers three different choices for ordering – monthly, 3 month and 6 month options.
  • HBC ships worldwide with flat rates listed by location.


  • Unfortunately outside of the UK, ordering this product can be costly due to the shipping fees involved.
  • If you are not the type of person who likes surprises or have picky animals, this box may not be for you.


Final Thoughts:

Overall I was thrilled with our Happy Bunny Club box! The items within were natural, healthy and safe for my rabbits and guinea pigs. This was a refreshing change from the limited products I find in stores packed full of sugars, additives, corn, seeds and dairy! I fully appreciated the packaging and branding HBC used and even though our box was shipped overseas, it was packed well and arrived without damage. I am happy to support a company who is clearly dedicated to providing our pets with such healthy alternatives and goes in depth to research every item they send to their customers. It is also lovely to come across a company so dedicated to proper rabbit education, health and welfare. This product is definitely something I would highly recommend and hope to order in the future.

Don’t forget to check out our Happy Bunny Club Unboxing & Review video on our YouTube channel BudgetBunny.

You can ‘Like’ Happy Bunny Club’s Facebook page here.

And visit the Happy Bunny Club website here

Thank you so much to Happy Bunny Club for sending us this product to review!

Rating 5/5

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