REVIEW: Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food by Hagen


Living World Green is a new line by Hagen that has recently launched in Canada. LWG products claim to bring your small pet closer to nature with their wholesome food, treats, habitats and toys while also being eco-friendly. Their foods are packaged in a re-sealable bag to maintain optimum freshness. They are made of recycled materials and have a natural and fresh look to them.


The Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food boasts superior nutrition for your pet with no added sugar, gluten, corn or preservatives while also being 100% grain-free and made in Canada. Their pellets contain CelluPlus which is unique to the new Living World Green Line. Hagen says this is a unique cellulose formula that aids in digestion and contributes to your pets overall well-being.


The Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food contains a high amount of vitamin C which is an essential component of a guinea pig’s diet. Guinea pigs are unable to produce this on their own and need it provided to them on a daily basis to avoid serious health conditions such as scurvy. Other vitamins found in this pelleted formula such as B12, A, E and omega 3 and 6 assist in proper muscle, bone, skin and coat development. In contrast this food is low in calcium having a percentage of 0.04. A low calcium content is vital when choosing a quality guinea pig food. This is because any additional calcium a guinea pig consumes passes through the bladder. Over time a large amount of calcium passing through their body can lead to life threatening health problems such as calcium sludge or bladder stones.

The LWG guinea pig food also contains a rich blend of freshly harvested timothy hays and grasses, features an abrasive texture which promotes healthy tooth development and provides a well-balanced, easily digestible diet for your guinea pig.


I began gradually switching our two guinea pigs, Sir Phinneus Fluffytocks and Sir Sampson McSqueakerbox, on to the Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food in October. They took to this food quickly with no digestive upsets. While gradually changing their diet I also noticed our guinea pigs would pick the LWG pellets out of their dishes over the brand they were previously on. Within a few weeks of transitioning them over to the Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food, I noticed their fur became softer, fuller and shinier. Sir Phinneus Fluffytocks is an Abyssinian/Peruvian mix and on his new diet his hair has really taken off! If I am even a minute late with their evening pellets they wheek and squeak eagerly to get my attention and then proceed to devour them greedily.


  • This food is easily digestible and the guinea pigs did not experience any stomach upsets while transitioning to this brand
  • 100% grain-free formula
  • The main ingredient of this food is timothy grass and it does not contain unhealthy fillers
  • Meets all nutritional requirements
  • Is enriched with vitamin c, an essential vitamin in maintaining a guinea pig’s health while also being low in calcium
  • The bag is eco-friendly and resealable with an airtight seal
  • Pure pelleted formula with no added sugar, gluten or preservatives
  • Coats have become thicker, shiner and softer
  • The guinea pigs really enjoy the flavour and texture of these pellets


  • I don’t have any cons for this product.

Final Thoughts:

Overall I am extremely pleased with the noticeable effects I have seen since switching to the new Living World Green Adult Guinea Pig Food and our piggies seem thrilled with their new food as well! I find this formula is well worth the price it retails for considering the various health benefits it provides. Being free of grains and sugary morsels while also being largely composed of timothy grasses are something all guinea pig owners should be looking for when choosing the proper diet for their piggies. The low level of calcium in this food, being fortified with vitamin C and having a minimal ingredient list all add in making this a superior guinea pig formula.

Please remember when changing your pet’s diet to do so gradually.

You can ‘Like’ Hagen Small Pet Care’s Facebook page here.

And visit the Living World Green website here.

Thank you so much to Hagen Small Pet Care for sending us this product to review!

Look forward to more reviews of the new Living World Green products by Hagen in upcoming weeks!

Rating 5/5

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