Bunny Flashbacks!

 With the final quarter of the year quickly approaching, I got to thinking about how quickly time flies. This of course got me thinking about the bunnies! Before I knew it I was hunting through my photos and swooning over how adorable my four were as itty bitty babies!


Rocky is 5 1/2 now but in this photo he was only about 4 months old! He actually loved this cat toy which I had completely forgotten about. Rocky is my first rabbit and I remember bursting in to laughter the first time he binkied! I had no idea what these silly kicks and flips were, having never owned a rabbit before. He made me want to be the best rabbit owner which in turn has led me to educating so many others with my channel and blog.


Ollie has always reminded me of a plush toy and was just the cutest baby bunny! We used to call him half-a-lop because for the longest time he had an ear that stood upright and another that flopped down! He’s always preferred lounging and a good cuddle with me over floor time although he loves spending his day trying to catch his swift partner, Willow.


How could anyone say no to those giant doe-like eyes? Willow has always been my little speed demon! Even at such a young age she loved to run laps, do binkies and flop around the house. When she was really tiny she would do a huge binky in excitement which would cause her to fall over because of how itty bitty she was.


And finally there’s Honey. The youngest of our brigade but the bun with the biggest attitude. We used to call her Pudge all the time because she was nothing more than this little round ball of fluff. Even at a young age, Honey let you know when she was displeased by giving a loud thump when you did something she disapproved of. To this day she still stomps around when I do things she hates, like being in her presence for example.


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