My sister has two bunnies, both males, and 1 year old. One of them is always wet around the eyes, to humans it would be like crying, but im not sure what it means for bunnies. No matter how much she cleans them, it’s still wet around both of his eyes. Could it be something serious enough for her to take him to the vet?
If you can help me i would much appreciate it.
Thank you,
Is it just a clear discharge? If there’s any coloured goo like green or yellow then I would definitely take the bunny to the vet as it sounds like an ocular infection.
If they are just extra runny there can be several reasons so you may have to try some different things. Rabbits are very sensitive and can be allergic to many things like bedding, laundry detergent and urine buildup. If your sister uses shavings the rabbit could be allergic to this which would cause his eyes to run. Try a different bedding or getting rid of the bedding altogether (they don’t really need it and it can prevent them from forming good litterbox habits). It could also be a sensitivity to a buildup of urine. Try changing the litterbox more often. If the bunny doesn’t have a litterbox but is just on bedding then the cage may need changing more often.
Are there any blankets you use in the cage as bedding for your rabbit? What are you washing them with? If it’s a strongly scented laundry detergent it may be what’s bothering your rabbit’s eyes. Strongly scented candles, air fresheners or incense may also be the cause.
If none of this helps then you may need to see the vet. Many teeth problems will cause eye problems (because they are so close to one another) or there may be some other kind of reason as to why the bunny’s eyes are running.
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